Welcome to Day 1,912.

Today is an eventful day for site news, so let's begin.

First up, in the first of two While & After news items, the blog entry "A 'Dam Upgrade, Another Upgrade And A Mathematical Error" has posted to the Miscellaneous page, while the blog entry "How To Slay The Three-Headed Monster Of Monotony, Part 1" has moved to Fresh At The Time.

In the first of two Spenny news items, the "Zenfliction! T-Shirt, Unisex" has launched via the First Branch (Customized Girl).

In news pertaining to The S-Factor, Steve Kaycee's eBay listing of the movie A Thousand And One (format DVD) has been renewed.

In the second While & After news item, the blog entry "Bottoms Becomes A Top Assessment Choice" has posted to the In A Pinch page, while the blog entry "Dates Of Convolution" has moved to the aforementioned Fresh At The Time.

In the second Spenny news item, the Eastern Bluebird 48 Sticker has had to be renamed the Eastern Bluebird 45 Sticker for a second consecutive day, due to two Eastern Bluebird 45 Sticker listings being in existence, along with the fact that the listing that wasn't deleted still had "Eastern Bluebird 48" written on it. Furthermore, a wording update/change/correction has been applied to the existing listing, along with the fact that the design change won't be official for at least 24 hours.

And finally, in Land Of Infusion news, the following updates have occurred:

  • Following its re-assessment, Next Gen was placed in Tier 7
  • One of the running counts in the Tier 7 description on the Land Of Infusion page itself was updated
  • Following its assessment, Devotion has placed third of ninth in Tier 12, along with simultaneously being placed in the aforementioned Tier 7

Well, that's all for now.

Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.

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